Polskanitsa (2021)
€15 + shipping costs
For payment by cheque, send us an email to voden[at]sublimebazar.com giving us your full name, postal address and the number of albums you would like. We'll let you know how to proceed.
Available in physical and digital versions on Bandcamp and on Phonolithe.
12 Tracks
Marguerite Lersteau: Nyckelharpas, Vocals, Turkish Klasik Kemençe, Harmonic flute
David Sévérac: Alto hurdy-gurdy, Bulgarian and Anatolian kavals, Tympanon, Daf, Choir
Production: Sublime Bazar
Sound recording and mixing: David Sévérac
Mastering: Raphaël Jonin- Studio J Raph i.n.g
Graphism: Jérôme Nouvion